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Data VisualizationInsightsKnowledge

Which Are the Top 12 Must-Have Data Visualization Tools?

Which Are the Top 12 Must-Have Data Visualization Tools?

Presenting that complex user data would be the next thing now that you have it in hand. But how will you display it, given its complex nature, or even capture and hold your target audience’s attention? There are many data visualization tools in the market that can help you display data legibly, concisely, and visually appealingly. 

These are the top twelve.

  1. Tableau: Known for its user-friendly interface and extensive visualization capabilities, Tableau remains a top choice for data professionals.
  2. SAS Visual Analytics: SAS Visual Analytics is part of the broader SAS suite and provides a platform for creating advanced visualizations and exploring data interactively.
  3. Power BI: Microsoft’s Power BI offers strong integration with Microsoft products, cloud capabilities, and robust data visualization features.
  4. D3.js: This JavaScript library provides unparalleled flexibility for creating custom data visualizations on the web.
  5. QlikView/Qlik Sense: You can use Qlik’s products to discover data. It has an interactive dashboard and self-service business intelligence tools.
  6. Looker: Looker provides data exploration and business intelligence solutions while emphasizing data-driven insights.
  7. Google Data Studio: This is a free tool by Google that allows users to create interactive and shareable dashboards using data from various sources.
  8. Plotly: Plotly is a Python and JavaScript library for creating interactive, web-based visualizations, including charts, graphs, and dashboards.
  9. Metabase: Metabase is an open-source business intelligence tool that simplifies data exploration and visualization with an easy-to-use interface.
  10. Sisense: Formerly Periscope Data, Sisense offers data visualization and analytics capabilities for businesses focusing on ease of use and scalability.
  11. Redash: Redash is an open-source tool for data visualization and dashboarding. It supports various data sources and custom queries.
  12. MATLAB: MATLAB is a versatile platform with powerful data visualization capabilities and extensive numerical computing and programming features.

Ultimately, your choice of a data visualization tool should align with your specific requirements, such as the types of data you’re working with, your technical expertise, budget constraints, and collaboration needs. We have the skills and tools to help you produce accurate, complete, consistent, timely, valid, and unique visualized data.

Data Visuals

Before deciding, you have to identify the visuals you need. Some data visualization tools have multiple capabilities and can help you get unlimited visuals for your project, while some have limited capabilities, meaning you may get very few visuals. Here are examples of visuals or deliverables you can expect from the tools we listed.

  • Scatter plots
  • Animated
  • Line graphs
  • Pie charts
  • Bar charts
  • Heat maps
  • Area charts
  • Choropleth maps
  • Histograms

Explore the latest tools and consider factors like data integration, scalability, observability, and user-friendliness when deciding, and keep in mind that the field of data visualization is highly dynamic; new and dynamic data tools are emerging almost every day while many others are evolving every minute. We can help you get started on your data visualization journey. Get in touch today for a free and comprehensive consultation.

Image Source: Z_Wei/iStock